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Privacy Policy

Happy Duck Studios

Happy Duck Studios is a trademark, which offers various mobile applications. This privacy statement describes how Happy Duck Studios may collect and use the non-personal and personal information you provide. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your personal information and how you can access this information. We respect privacy of our mobile applications users and we take protecting it seriously.
Happy Duck Studios offers mobile applications intended for children under the age of 13 (Kids Apps), as well as mobile applications for other target population (Other Apps).

Your consent
You agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy, including to the possible collection and processing of your Personal Information (as defined below). Please note: if You disagree to any term provided herein, You may not access or use the Service.

Online Use: What User information may be collected, and for what purpose
Happy Duck Studios does not collect any information from its Users. Some information may nonetheless be collected through third party services used by Happy Duck Studios such as advertising networks, push notification services or others (“Third Parties“) and stored on such Third Parties’ servers.
Non Personal Information:
Happy Duck Studios allows Third parties to collect non personal information or non-identifiable information (“Non-Personal Information“).
To put it simply, with respect to such Non Personal Information we have no idea what is the identity of the User from which Third Parties have collected the Non-personal Information.
Non Personal Information collected by Third Parties may include the following technical information:
>Type of operation system (e.g. Android, iOS, etc.)
>Type of browser (e.g. Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.)
>Screen resolution (e.g. 800×600, 1024×768, etc.)
>Language (e.g. English)
>Device Vendor (e.g. Galaxy, HTC, iPhone, etc.)
>Geo-location – only general location may be collected. No street name or city/town name is collected.
Happy Duck Studios allows Third Parties collection of Non Personal Information for strict and limited purposes. Namely, for the limited purpose of analyzing the Service in order to provide You with the Service functionalities and performance.

Persistent User Identifier and No Other Personal Information:
Third Parties may also collect from Users a persistent User identifier. Happy Duck Studios allows for this information to be collected strictly for internal operations of the Service including serving You with contextual advertisement (“contextual advertisement” are ads that are served to you without connection to any behavioral elements).
Happy Duck Studios does not allow Third Parties to collect information that may identify an individual (other than the persistent User identifier which is collected for the limited purpose of internal operations of the Service) nor does it allow the collection of any information of private and/or sensitive nature(“Personal Information“).
Happy Duck Studios does not allow any personal information to be linked to the persistent identifier, even from other services.

Happy Duck Studios accepts advertisements (banners, interstitials...) from third parties ad networks. These advertisements may be displayed in our apps. Advertisers may use cookies and other web-tracking technologies to collect data in case the user clicks on any of these advertisements.
Advertisers collect data regarding advertisement performance, user’s interaction with ads, our apps and user’s interests. Collected data may include user’s non-personal and personal information (unique identifiers, network and device information, age, gender and geo-location) in order to serve you ads and for the third parties’ legitimate business interests. We use this aggregated information to understand and optimize how our applications are used, improve our marketing efforts, and provide content and features that are of interest to you. The use of information by third parties is not covered by our privacy statement. We do not have access to or control over this information. Furthermore, Happy Duck Studios may advertise other Happy Duck Studios Apps within its apps.

Some of the third parties services usually used by Happy Duck Studios
Apple AppStore: If you choose to use AppStore to finalize and pay for your order, you will provide your credit card number directly to Apple. Apple's Privacy Policy will apply to the information you provide to Apple.
Google Checkout: If you choose to use Google Checkout to finalize and pay for your order, you will provide your credit card number directly to Google Checkout. Google's Privacy Policy will apply to the information you provide to the Google Checkout web site.
Third party advertising solutions providers: We show third party advertisements (Admob, Chartboost, Vungle) within our apps with COPPA settings enabled. These ads and services are not under the control of Happy Duck Studios who is therefore not responsible for the availability or content of such external sites or services.

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Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan

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